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Sediment / Dredged Material Management

KEI is a recognized leader with more than 45 years’ experience in performing marine and freshwater sediment quality studies and the planning, collection, and evaluation of dredged materials from ports, harbors, estuaries, rivers, lakes, and the open ocean. KEI has performed sediment quality studies in conjunction with industrial and other discharges in near- and offshore environments along coastal California, Hawaii, and Alaska.

Gravity coring to collect sediments to determine historic hydrocarbon inputs along with Cesium-137 age dating in Port Valdez, Alaska.


  • Vibracore and gravity core sampling

  • Sampling and analysis plan (SAP) preparation

  • Sediment grab sampling (e.g. Van Veen grab, Ponar grab, box core, pipe dredge)

  • Long tube column settling tests

  • Boat, barge, and crane operations

  • Disposal suitability determinations

  • Regulatory compliance support

  • Contaminated sediments management plans

  • Contaminated sediment remediation studies

  • Ecological risk assessments

  • Presentations to regulators

  • CWA Section 404(b)(1) evaluations

  • MPRSA ocean dumping evaluations

Evaluation of dredged material from Folsom Lake using USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers) long tube settling columns.

For dredged materials investigations, KEI’s team of sediment scientists evaluates physical, chemical, and biological test results according to published testing manuals to produce technical reports for permitting agencies. These reports detail suitability for reuse/placement options for dredged material including upland fill, beach nourishment, habitat restoration, unconfined in-bay aquatic placement, confined aquatic disposal, and open-ocean disposal. 

Box core deployment for benthic community analysis and sediment chemistry analyses at the San Francisco Deep Ocean Disposal Site aboard the R/V Oceanus.
Vibracore deployment for deep water sediment core collection off Coastal California.
Surface sediment scrape/grab for wet weather monitoring in Camp Pendleton, CA
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